Wednesday, March 23, 2011

FDR's Martini

" 1 part gin, 1/2 part vermouth, 1 teaspoon olive brine.
Roosevelt shook his martinis with cracked ice, added one olive, rubbed the glass rim with a lemon peel and imbibed to 'relieve his back pain.' His staff said he was a sloppy mixer because he was apt to dump orange juice, grapefruit juice, or anisette into his drinks too. He like to do his international negotiating over shared martinis."
-from The Little Black Book of Martinis

"It is cold on the stomach."
-Stalin, on FDR's martini, at the 1943 Tehran Conference

"...America's lethal weapon."
-Nikita Khrushchev, on the even stronger martini Eisenhower gave him


  1. Joe: May I use your photo of FDR, with credit, is my blog post on FDR's martinis?

  2. I got the photo off the Internet.

  3. The text is quoted from The Little Black Book of Martinis.
