Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Cigars 8-10: April 2017

Cigar #8: April 15, 2017 - La Flor Dominicana
Cigar #9: April 22, 2017 - La Flor Dominicana
Cigar #10: April 23, 2017 - Untamed

Cigars 4-7: March & April 2017

Two cigars on March 31. This one (#4 for the year) was enjoyed in my backyard:
The second one for the day (#5 for the year) was smoked over at Mike's house on his porch (sorry, no picture to document the occasion). Number 6 happened on April 7th. A gorgeous day.
Number 7 happened on April 8. Another gorgeous day.
Again, ALL Asylum 13s. The BEST.

Cigars 1,2, & 3: January, February, & March 2017

Whoa! Way behind in cigar and drink postings for the year. Allow me to catch up. Cigar #1 was on January 18, however I have no photo, so I'll just post this:
Cigar #2 was smoked on an unusually warm day of February 22. It was 60 degrees.
Cigar #3 was on March 1.
All three cigars were Asylum 13s. My favorite.

New Year's Eve 2016

December 31, 2016
Celebrating the end of the year and looking forward to 2017.